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Culinary Series: My Baba’s Varennyky


SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2021
4:00 PM Eastern Time


Are you ready to make dinner? Chef Mykola Rutkay leads participants step-by-step through the making of Ukrainian varennyky (also known as perogies or dumplings). He shares some innovative tips and modern options. Nicholas has deep culinary pedigree with a grandmother and mother who are truly gifted cooks. They’ll chime in with their take on more traditional methods and family stories. 

Готові готувати вечерю? Шеф Микола Руткай проведе для учасників покрокову інструкцію як готувати вареники (також відомі як пироги або галушки). Пан Микола також поділиться деякими сучасними порадами і новаторськими варіантами. Його кулінарний досвід збагачений багатим кухарським вмінням матері і бабусі. Подія - англомовна.

Photo Mykola, his mother Darcia Moskaluk Rutkay and Anne Moskaluk.

Photo Mykola, his mother Darcia Moskaluk Rutkay and Anne Moskaluk.

Mykola Rutkay is a graduate of one of Canada’s top chef schools at George Brown College. He has worked in the restaurant industry for over a decade and is currently the Head Chef at the Joey Restaurant Group in Toronto where he has won cooking competitions and a manager of the year award. Mykola credits his love of cooking to his grandmother and mother. He lives and cooks with his wife Cassy in Toronto.

While participation is free, donations are appreciated to support continued cultural programming at St. Vladimir Institute.

St. Vladimir Institute gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the SUS Foundation.

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