St. Volodymyr Institute sincerely thanks you for your support and for joining us at Маланка on Malanka on Friday, January 13, 2023.
We are so grateful to celebrate Ukrainian traditions with you and look forward to seeing you at our next malanka.
See all FULL Malanka gallery
Photos by Mykola Swarnyk

Master oF ceremonies:
LIZA Zienchuk

INESA Bratushchyk
Inesa Bratushchyk is a singer, People's Artist of Ukraine, vocal teacher of the highest category, expert of the Commission on Culture and Art Education of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture, a member of the Union of Journalists, a permanent member of the jury at the International Festivals of the European Union from Ukraine. Laureate of the first "Red Route" and many international and all-Ukrainian festivals and competitions. Soloist of the Lviv and Chernivtsi Philharmonic Orchestra, soloist of the orchestra of the National Radio Company of Ukraine.
Inesa's songs are in the "gold fund" of Ukrainian Radio. She has repeatedly represented Ukraine on concert tours in Europe, Canada and the United States of America.

Nastasia Y
Nastasia Y [nas-TA-s’yah] is a Ukrainian-born global fusion artist based in Toronto, Canada. This multilingual singer & keyboardist seamlessly blends traditional Ukrainian and Slavic music with jazz, funk, electronic textures, and various influences from all over the world. Her music is rooted in ancestral grief and wisdom of her past while embracing a modern inter-connected future.
Nastasia Y joined by percussionist Jaash Singh


Olga Andriewsky & Boris Balan
George & Eva Kostiuk
Donna, Taras and Ivanko Kosar
Ron M. Haney
Danylo Leshchyshyn and Family
Sandra Hyduk
Eugene & Maria Shwed
Milton From
Alexandra Y. Semeniuk
Marcia Diakun
Halyna Ostapchuk
Dr. Martin Chepesiuk and Halyna Perun
Michael Kalimin and Luba Linok
Dubczak Family
SVI Malanka CommittEe
Audrey Chudoba, Halyna Dytyniak, Bozhena Gembatiuk-Fedyna, Oksana Hawrylak, Tamara Ivanochko, Alla Shklar, and Liijanna Shklar
Marianna Zaparyniuk, Marta Bozdek, Marcia Diakun, Kathy Hamara, Sonia Holiad, Irene Hordienko, Leah Hrycun, Krystyna Killam, Lesia Korobaylo, Tetyana Kryvoruchko, Claudia Mykytiuk, and Olenka Wasley
Our dedicated staff
Daria Kowalyk, Andriy Tsymbal, and Volodymyr Dobush and Nadiya Matiyash
Our catering staff
under the expert guidance of Executive Chef Marc Bennett